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As a kid, I used to always admire my dad’s cassette tapes. There were plenty lying around the house which led me to eventually unraveling them but also creating rap…
Here's a new pattern design I whipped up for Brennem. I dubbed it "The Sequencer" which was inspired by the concept of transformation and transitioning in stages. The pattern is…
Regardless what you believe, your beliefs once had less belief. This applies to any stage, individually and collectively. Everything in the universe is a circle . Expanding, evolving, making rounds,…
In the beginning, maybe there was nothing. With time, nothing became something. Through light, everything becomes everything. Light, our awareness of it, and living—thanks to it—gives rise to what we…
Here are the first BRENNEM™ Series. Each one represents a unique maxim/motto to encapsulate a concept that applies to life no matter what creed, color, religion. These were so therapeutic…