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The Big Bang
A Shed & Repeat Story
Written by Brian Wonder (Whitfield)

Once upon a time, a baby snake hatched alone in a cave.

Within minutes, a shadow appeared, an intruder came.

The snake froze, by the sight of such unfamiliar features.

It was a raven paying a visit to make lunch of this creature.


The snake was poked at, snatched, carried away in the air.

Its only option was to fight as it took flight in despair!

Flailing slippery skin, it slipped away mid-flight.

Its first true slither was seeking shelter to see its first night.


Days and nights went by, spent wandering the world.

Then one morning the snake’s vision blurred and it was hard to curl.

It panicked as its skin turned grey of gloom.

Flailing frantically again; what is this, is this doom!?


Left, right, over rocks and… boom!

The snake stumbled and grazed its head on a stone.

Exhausted and dazed, it saw flashing stars like the sky

but it noticed something peculiar out the corner of one eye.


It was the clarity it yearned for, before its body turned dry.

The snake rubbed off the old skin and its vision was restored.

It then understood the power of letting go to go forward.


Growth is inevitable.
Wisdom is optional.